A Special Day of EU Code Week in Hungary

Publication date: November 3, 2023

On 7 October, the 2nd Code Week Hungary Conference was held in Biatorbágy, a town on the outskirts of Budapest, to officially open EU Code Week 2023 in Hungary. A mosaic of 480 Rubik’s Cubes welcomed the visitors (see photos). The conference targeted all people, especially teachers, interested in the development of algorithmic thinking and digital competences of young children, students and adults, and in making coding more popular. The organizers want to put EU Code Week in focus and make it more popular and successful with this event, where one could learn and have fun at the same time.


Moreover, on behalf of European Schoolnet and the European Commission, Tommaso Dalla Vecchia, EU Code Week coordinator, sent a video message to greet the participants of the conference and then speeches were given in the plenary session of the conference.

The presentations covered the following topics: 

  • EU Code Week activities and the international competition 
  • Possible use of AI in education 
  • A new initiative of Vodafone Hungary Foundation: How to be conscious news consumers and responsible online players? 
  • Announcements of competitions for schools and teachers in Code Week in Hungary 

A flashmob forming the mouse of the EU Code Week logo followed the plenary sessions.

Then the programme continued with mini lectures sharing innovative practices related to algorithmic thinking, coding and robotics (15 best practices in 3 sections).

After the lunch break, we organised workshops in 4-5 parallel sections: one 90-minute and eight 45-minute workshops, sharing practical knowledge about organizing coding activities). Here colleagues were able to try and work with various tools, methods and gadgets in practice.

Furthermore, throughout the whole day of the conference, companies selling products for education and organizations offering services had a chance to exhibit their EdTech devices, ideas and best practices for the participants of the conference.

The conference ended with a draw, and lots of lucky participants left the conference with gifts offered by the sponsors. Hopefully, all visitors of the conference left with some ammunition to start their own activities in EU Code Week 2023. 

The conference was just one element of all the activities we have organized for Code Week in Hungary. A series of webinars was organized to inform teachers and all people interested in the EU Code Week initiative and present best practices on various coding-related topics. Competitions for participating schools and teachers were announced at the conference with valuable prizes.  

More photos can be found on the website of the conference in the photo gallery. 


Attila László Főző and Zsolt Jánossy 

EU Code Week ambassadors, Hungary