#CodeWeek boosts digital skills around Europe

Publication date: October 18, 2017

The first part of EU Code Week was amazing with thousands of participants getting in touch with the coding world. Volunteers from schools, libraries, code clubs, businesses and public authorities worked together in workshops with young and motivated people to show how fun coding, robotics, hardware and computers can be and how they help bringing your ideas to life.



First steps in coding from Ireland

It’s never too early to start coding

Geek Girls are cool girls

Robots battle!

Having fun at the CodeWeek and learning about robots

In Italy, making unplugged coding with CodyRoby

Having fun on the playground

Programming afternoon in Spain

Code Ninjas in Zurich

Robotics and coding in Albania

More robots in Brussels

Workshop in Tervuren

Coding class in Valencia

Keep calm and learn to code, Turkey

BeeBot to learn about sounds in UK

Also teachers were involved to learn about computational and algorithmic thinking

AngryBird code challenge in Gent

JavaScript preparation in Brussels

Passion for coding in Sweden

Libraries and Digital Skill in Bulgaria. Together with the US emassador – Erik Rubin and commissioner Mariya Gabriel

The feeling when you find out your code works