Congratulations to Europe Code Week Google Grants Awardees!

Publication date: July 5, 2019

By Google for Education

The European Commission predicts that in the next 10 to 15 years, 90 per cent of all jobs will require some level of digital skills. In order to equip today’s students for future jobs and opportunities, for the sixth consecutive year we are partnering with the European Commission to offer grants during the EU Code Week. These grants amount to €186,000, given to 33 schools and nonprofits in Europe who will deliver computer science hands-on activities for 236,000 students.



These grants are part of Grow with Google’s mission to create more economic opportunity for everyone and our commitment to helping an additional one million people in Europe find a job, grow their business or build their career by 2020.

Congratulations to recipient organisations listed below. We hope to see lots of follow up activities to keep Europe Code Week’s momentum going!

Belarus: Public institution of education “Negorelskaya secondary school №1”

Belgium: Open Collective Brussels


Bulgaria: High School of Mathematics and Science “Prof. Emanuil Ivanov”

Croatia: Partners In Learning

Croatian Robotic Association

Cyprus: Retro Computing & Gaming

Czech Republic: Gymnazium Kladno

Estonia: Rakvere Realgymnasium

Germany: Leibniz Gymnasium Dormagen

Greece: InterMediaKT – Interactive Media Knowledge Transfer

            Educational Robotics, Science and Technology

Non-Profit Organization                WRO Hellas

Hungary: Egri Balassi Bálint Általános Iskola

Ireland: St. Joseph’s Secondary School Rush


St. Brigid’s National School, Cavan

St. Brigid’s National School, Co. Wicklow

Israel: Loop

Italy: Associazione DSchola Le scuole per le scuole

Latvia: “Go Beyond”

Netherlands: Stichting VHTO de Bibliotheek Eemland

Poland: Fundacja Girls Code Fun

Romania: The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries in Romania

Serbia: Association of Serbian Professors of Informatics

Slovenia: Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia

Slovakia: Learn2Code

Gymnázium J. Francisciho-Rimavského

Spain: Fundació URV (on behalf of Universitat Rovira i Virgili)


Creative Computing Club CIC


Ukraine: MagneticOne.Org