Announcing the First EU Code Week President: Stamatios Papadakis

Publication date: September 24, 2024

EU Code Week has always been about bringing people together. It’s about inspiring and empowering communities to explore coding, computational thinking, and digital skills. At its heart is a vibrant community of passionate individuals who strive to make coding accessible to everyone, from schools to businesses and beyond. Today, we are thrilled to announce the election of our very first EU Code Week President, Stamatios Papadakis, a dedicated advocate for digital literacy and education.

The announcement was officially made during the EU Code Week community meeting held in Brussels on 12th September 2024. This moment marked a key milestone for the Code4Europe consortium, setting the stage for future growth and impact.

Stamatios Papadakis Researcher

Why Create a Presidency for Code Week?

The introduction of the EU Code Week Presidency marks a significant step forward for the Code4Europe consortium. This new role has been created to help ensure the long-term sustainability of EU Code Week and to expand its reach. By empowering the EU Code Week Ambassadors, who are the backbone of our community, the Presidency will strengthen national and regional efforts, making sure that more people have the opportunity to participate and benefit from this initiative.

Our Ambassadors, such as Stamatios, are already doing incredible work in their respective countries, connecting local communities, educators, and organisations to the mission of EU Code Week. With this new leadership role, we hope to deepen their involvement and support the community’s continued growth.

A Leader of Innovation: Stamatios Papadakis

Stamatios Papadakis, the EU Code Week Ambassador for Greece, was chosen as the first President through a transparent voting process by fellow Ambassadors. He brings a wealth of experience as an Assistant Professor at the University of Crete and a background in informatics education, specialising in mobile learning, AI, and coding skills.

Stamatios has long been a driving force in advancing digital literacy, both in his home country and across Europe. His passion for education and innovation is at the core of his vision for the presidency. He believes that by bringing together educators, industry leaders, and governments, we can inspire a new generation of learners to thrive in the digital age.

“I am honoured to take on this role as the first EU Code Week President,” said Stamatios. “This community is filled with dedicated individuals who want to make a difference, and I am excited to work with everyone to build on the incredible momentum we’ve achieved together.”

What Does the Presidency Entail?

As the EU Code Week President, Stamatios will work to enhance the impact of Code Week activities at both the national and regional levels. His key responsibilities will include chairing the newly formed Code Week Council, overseeing the development of recommendations, and representing the community in Code4Europe consortium discussions.

Though his official term begins in November 2024, Stamatios will already be contributing to the establishment of the Code Week Council and the launch of the 2024 Code Week event this October.

Stamatios Papadakis Researcher

A Community Effort

EU Code Week has always been a community-driven initiative. From educators and students to tech enthusiasts and government leaders, every single participant plays a role in its success. The creation of the Presidency is not just about leadership; it’s about recognising the contributions of everyone involved and ensuring that Code Week remains a sustainable and evolving movement.

As we move forward, the Presidency will rotate every five months, giving Ambassadors from different countries the chance to lead. This ensures that the diverse perspectives and expertise of our Ambassadors continue to shape the future of EU Code Week.

We look forward to seeing how Stamatios Papadakis and future Presidents will guide EU Code Week to new heights, and we remain committed to empowering our community to inspire the next generation of coders.

Join Us for EU Code Week 2024!

EU Code Week 2024 promises to be one of the most exciting yet, with new initiatives, including our recently launched “Coding with Minecraft” project. We encourage everyone to get involved, whether by attending events, organising activities, or simply spreading the word. Together, we are building a future where digital skills are accessible to all.

Let’s continue to inspire, learn, and code together!