First time participating in Code Week

Publication date: October 28, 2019

By Cyril, Code Week Teacher in France

Code Week 2019

For the first year, the DANE of Versailles (délégation académique au numérique éducatif / the educative numeric academic delegation) participated in the promotion of Code Week. To do this, we used our coding platform to promote different types of activities to academy teachers.



A platform to launch

The objective before Code Week was to communicate around the educative platform developed, communicating around the events that were set up from 5 to 20 October 2019.

On our website, teachers were able to discover:

  • The robotic white paper to show the added value of robotics in their course
  • Missions and courses to be done by students
  • The challenges piloted by the academy, thus providing training and support for the success of all students

« One Day a Mission »

Each day of Code Week, a “mission” video was presented and broadcasted on our networks. Teachers were able to follow, like a soap opera, the discovery of unplugged activities, connected activities, and robotic activities. The goal was to show the possibilities of robotics from kindergarten to high school classes.



Robotik Tour

The DANE team mobilized brought a robotic suitcase to different locations and organised robotic initiations to students. During these workshops, teachers gave the floor to their students to
take charge of these new tools. More than 600 students benefited from this action.



Coding and robotics projects launch

Code Week allowed the launch of 2 robotic challenges (Thymbot 95 and VObot) and the iPad application development challenge (Ram’code). Training and classroom intervention allowed for the first session and put teachers and students on the road to success for the rest of the school year.




A webinar on embedded computing has been proposed on Thursday, October 17 for teachers of the new program Digital Science and Technology for secondary school students. A conference to discover artificial intelligence was proposed Wednesday, October 16 to popularize and draw a parallel between neuroscience and artificial intelligence.

Useful links