Future EC digital Vice-President Ansip supports Code Week

Publication date: October 15, 2014


Greece passes Ireland in number of events

The sheer number of events which take place every day this week makes it almost impossible to really grasp the size of Code Week. Below are just some of the highlights of the day – do not forget to have a look at our Flickr Group, join conversations on Twitter using the hashtag #CodeEU and like our Facebook page!

If you follow politics, you probably know that the new European Commission is expected to take office in November. The Commission’s Vice-President for the digital single market is going to be the former Estonian PM Andrus Ansip.

Mr Ansip held a Twitter chat this morning using the hashtag #AskAnsip, which inspired nearly 4,000 tweets. You can read the full summary on Storify; a couple of tweets are, however, worth pointing out:

  1. Mr Ansip agrees coding should be part of European curricula:
  2. He supports Code Week:
  3. And he even has a Code Week t-shirt!

Code Week continues to be noticed by the media, from the German Zeit to the Brussels-based EurActiv. The latter brought a nice infographic on coding in the classroom. Another infographic on coding was published today by Debating Europe.

Furthermore, we noted that Greek surpassed Ireland in the total number of events:

An element of competition was brought to Code Week by KoduKup, which took place this morning.

UK contribution

Greek contribution

Finnish contribution

In Finland, the Interested in Coding and Robotics?’ roadshow visited Oulu after stopping by in Helsinki yesterday.

And tonight, the University of Central Lancashire is hosting a free coding session for its students and in Brussels, another CoderDojo event is organised.