Greek students code for peace

Publication date: June 22, 2022

By Katerina Glezou, EU Code Week Leading Teacher, Greece

The students of the 1st grade of 1st Arsakeio Senior High School Psychikou in Athens, Greece, coded a message of peace and support for teachers and pupils in Ukraine in Spring 2022.

The students coded their anti-war messages using the Scratch programming environment and shared it in the “Coding for Peace” Scratch Studio following the EU Code Week community invitation.

Additionally, they created the “Give Peace a Chance!” Scratch Studio to broadly spread the urgent “Stop the war now!” message. They created their own projects from scratch or remixed already-made projects expressing intensively their pacifist feelings.

They students also designed posters using the Canva platform and created presentations using PowerPoint and they shared their anti-war messages in the “Coding for Peace” column in the “EU Code Week 2021 @Arsakeia Schools padlet.


Furthermore, they shared their digital artifacts in a lino.

Have a look at some of the Scratch projects!

Give peace a chance

Peace sign

Peace makes the people come together

Stop the war!

Peace on earth

Stop the war