How to Organise a Successful Code Week Event: Tips for Educators and Organisers

Publication date: July 4, 2024

Organising a successful Code Week event can be a rewarding and impactful experience, offering students an opportunity to dive into the world of coding and digital literacy. Whether you’re an experienced educator or a first-time organiser, these tips and best practices on how to organise a successful Code Week event will help you plan and execute a memorable and successful Code Week event for your school.

How to Organise a Successful Code Week Event

1. Start Early

Planning ahead is crucial for a smooth and successful event. Begin by setting your goals and objectives well in advance. This gives you ample time to organise, promote, and ensure that everything is in place for the event day. In 2024 EU Code Week will take place between 14 and 27 October, so the count-down is on!

2. Define Clear Goals

Having clear goals will guide your planning and help you measure the success of your event. Decide whether your event will introduce coding basics to beginners, enhance the skills of more advanced students, or focus on a specific theme or project.

3. Choose the Right Activities

Tailor your activities to the interests and skill levels of your participants. Consider incorporating a mix of workshops, hands-on coding sessions, and interactive games. Use resources and challenges from the Code Week website for inspiration. Check out Code Week resources here.

4. Engage and Inspire

Make your event engaging and inspiring by inviting guest speakers, such as local tech professionals or university students in computer science. This can provide real-world insights and inspiration for your students.

5. Promote Your Event

Utilise various channels to promote your event. Use social media, school newsletters, and community boards to spread the word. Engage with parents and the local community to increase participation and support. We have lots of material to help you promote you event, have a look at our toolkits here

6. Prepare Your Materials

Ensure you have all necessary materials and equipment ready in advance. This includes computers, software, internet access, and any physical resources needed for hands-on activities. Consider setting up a help desk or having volunteers on hand to assist with technical issues.

7. Create a Supportive Environment

Foster a positive and supportive environment where students feel encouraged to explore and experiment. Provide plenty of opportunities for collaboration and peer learning. Make sure that students know it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them.

8. Document and Share

Capture the moments of your event through photos and videos. Share these on your school’s social media channels, the Code Week website, and with the wider community. This not only showcases the success of your event but also inspires others to get involved. Make sure you have the consent of participants to share any photos or personal information first.

9. Evaluate and Reflect

After the event, take time to evaluate what worked well and what could be improved. Gather feedback from participants, volunteers, and fellow educators. Use this feedback to make future events even better. Please share this feedback with us!

10. Stay Connected

Join the Code Week community to stay updated on new resources, tips, and events. Engage with other educators and organisers to share experiences and best practices. This will help you continue to grow and enhance your coding events year after year.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to organising a successful and impactful Code Week event. Remember, the goal is to create a fun and engaging learning experience that inspires students to explore the world of coding and digital technology. Good luck, and happy coding!

For more resources and support, visit the Code Week Schools page.