Through the MOOC with Study Group

Publication date: December 20, 2023


Through the MOOC with Study Group

The group of elementary school teachers from Cernik successfully completed the MOOC through collaborative work in a study group. The MOOC consisted of four modules, each opening every week, and we also had a meeting every week.

The first meeting took place in our IT classroom and was live. We studied the first module together, created avatars, and introduced ourselves on Padlet.

Picture 1. Ice breaking activity – meeting 1.

The teachers were highly motivated and had a lot of ideas for their final assignments. All the teachers in my study group teach young students (ages 6-9) and had numerous excellent ideas for unplugged coding activities.

During the second week, we worked together on Module 2, and you can see a summary of our second meeting on the mind map.

Picture 2. Summary of the Modul 2.

During the third week, we familiarized ourselves with many immersive technologies, and you can watch our work during the third meeting in the video.

In the last week, we explored the potential future developments in coding and how they may shape our society, focusing on creating our final projects.

Our teaching scenarios:

M.M.: Puss in boots AI and mobile application

  1. Đ. : We celebrate our birthdays
  2. G.: It′s Christmas and winter time
  3. M.: Beautiful swan with AI and mobile application
  4. S. : Art is in the air with AI

All members of my study group prepared excellent teaching scenarios and submitted them for the final assignment. After that we all successfully evaluated and gave feedback to our colleagues and then received our certificates.

Comments from the teachers

We all really liked the course and it was very useful for improvement our teaching practice. Here’s what some members of my group said after the course finished:

K.Đ. – This course was opportunity for me to learn and try what I can achieve in my classroom working with my students (primary education, 8 years). I want to keep up to date with technology.

During the course I had enought time to read all notes, collaborate, design and make a lesson/activity. Also, it gave me enough time to think and discuss with my colleagues about my and our final activity. I enjoy the most diversity in apps to teach students which can make my work in classroom more  interesting for students. I like the way how I can, with small touch of ICT, make a lesson interesting for students. 

I.M. – This course helped me explore new mobile applications for my students. Our study group leader made the course easier for us  with her instructions and guidance.

M.G. – First of all, I want to thank our study group leader Kristina for encouragement, motivation and expert guidance through the entire course. Personally, I like this way of working and I look forward to future courses. For me this course enriched my previous knowledge and gave me many ideas for further work.

M.M. – Through the course, I had the opportunity to learn what coding means and in what ways you can code with the students in the class. I also realized that I was often coding in the classroom without even realizing it. I also gained additional knowledge about new applications and ways of working with students. The study group is a great place for me to determine the content of the course, the leader of the group always tries to bring everything closer to us and make it more interesting.  

In summary, working on a course with a study group leader in a MOOC promotes collaborative learning, enhances motivation and accountability and provides a supportive environment for participants to succeed in their educational goals.

We are looking forward for new interesting MOOCs.