Humans of Code Week – Erviola Konomi, Leading Teacher Albania
Publication date: September 5, 2022
By Erviola Konomi, Leading Teacher Albania
What sparked your interest in coding / Week of Code?
Since technology is moving forward with galloping steps, it is necessary to explain coding to school kids. They need to learn where and how programming is integrated in the society.
The activities during Code Week encourage students to be curious and develop the desire to learn. All this learning can be done by playing and practicing.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn / learn to code?
Don’t stop learning and having fun. The quote: “The one thing I know is that I know nothing” is perfectly fitting to the computer world. This world is a beautiful but endless labyrinth, always working in an unknown, mysterious but fun and beautiful direction.
What do you like most about Coding?
The thing I like most about coding is the activation, curiosity and desire of my students to learn and apply new, beautiful and fun knowledge. The enthusiasm and smiles on the faces of my students make me happy every single day.
What do you imagine the future of Code Week to look like?
The future of Code Week will be very inspiring, fruitful and cooperative with colleagues all over the world.
What challenges have you encountered in your role as ambassador/teacher/head teacher and how have you overcome them?
The main difficulties have been due to the lack of early information, and availability of computers and internet. However, the experiences of European colleagues have taught me that there are applied coding activities even without a computer.
What are the top three reasons why everyone/kids should learn how to code?
The evolution of technology makes it necessary to become programmers, coders and computer engineers for our students. Coding can help students to learn since they learn better by playing, having fun and most importantly by creating. A good thing is that in Albania very soon coding will be part of the school curriculum.
How can interested parties contribute to the Week of Code?
Everyone who is interested should check the suggested activities on the website and then apply them to the conditions and age of the children they are teaching.
Which Code Week project/activity are you most proud of and why?
My students and I are proud of several projects. We are winners of the campaign at Scientix, Stem Discovery Week 2020 competition, with the theme: Let’s code and stay safe online!
You can find more on this here: Touristic trip and challenges towards the ecological city – The STEM Discovery Campaign Blog
What coding tips have you received that have inspired you the most and why?
The most inspiring tips I have received in coding can be found here, it’s about coding for the UN SDG’s. Also, I have seen very useful Code Week resources that inspire me.