Humans of Code Week – Martina Teichmannová, Code Week ambassador Czech Republic
Publication date: September 7, 2022
By Martina Teichmannová, Code Week ambassador Czech Republic
What sparked your interest in coding / Code Week?
My first meeting with Code Week was about e-Twinning. When I started my first e-Twinning projects, I joined the training with as topics: coding, technology and new applications. I really liked it mainly because it fascinated my students a lot. As soon as I enriched my classes with coding, the children did not want to stop learning and skipped the break just to finish their work. Their enthusiasm was the real impulse to continue coding and look for new ways to enrich my teaching.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn coding?
The most important thing is not to be afraid and to believe in yourself. Quality training is very easy to get in the Czech Republic / Europe, so all you have to do is have an enthusiasm and get started. I’m not a professional programmer, but I have found out that my level of knowledge is enough for my work. Also, I’m still developing in this knowledge by working with people who are as passionate as me, they inspire me. Just do it!
What do you like most about Code Week?
I love the diverse ideas of the organizers. I always feel that we have exhausted everything, but then I read new ideas and I am enchanted by them. This is not just for new events, but also the environment and groups of people who join Code Week: Libraries, Mothers Matter centres, Scouts, Homes for the elderly, Free time centres and many more. Together we can tackle this challenge.