Humans of Code Week – Sanchari De, Teacher Malmö International School
Publication date: August 19, 2022
By Sanchari De, Teacher Malmö International School
What sparked your interest in coding / Code Week?
In Malmö we are working closely with digitalisation, and as an IB school we focus on logical thinking. Keeping these aims in mind we are planning our next year’s digitalisation plan where programming will be part of each and every class. We participate in Code Week so teachers and students already now get an overview of the programming we will introduce.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to learn / teach coding?
Just start it! Get a programming tool or log into a digital platform such as Scratch and start exploring. Once you have started, the possibilities in the world of coding are endless.
What do you like most about Code Week?
I like that Code Week is inspired by teachers from different parts of Europe and creates a sense of belonging to larger community.
How do you imagine the future of Code Week to look like?
I imagine that in the future Code Week will inspire more and more students and teachers. As a result, students will be able to come up with many innovative ideas to solve various challenges in our modern world.
What challenges have you encountered in your role as ambassador / leading teacher /teacher and how did you overcome them?
Some teachers think that introducing coding is an additional task for them, which is problematic as teachers already have many things to do. During the Code Week we provided teachers with lesson plans that integrate coding in different subjects. If coding is integrated in all lessons then teachers will be able to finish the lessons without planning extra time for coding.
What are the top three reasons why everyone / kids should learn how to code?
The most important reason to start coding is to develop logical thinking needed for innovative ideas. Problem solving is needed to make the society more inclusive and creative. Also, coding skills prepare kids for the future job market, which is evolving fast.
How can interested people contribute to Code Week?
There are several ways. I think one can have a look at the many ideas presented on the EU Code Week website and try out new things. This experience can then of course be shared with others.
Which project/activity related to Code Week are you most proud of, and why?
I am very proud of the fact that lower grade students discovered the logic behind Makey Makey on their own. After finding out the logic, they started experimenting with it.
What advice related to coding that you received inspired you most, and why?
Malmö’s digitalization department is always ready to help us. This kind of support is needed when someone is trying out a new thing. It inspired us to be more innovative, as we were sure that if we would get stuck someone will offer help.